Database of available internships
Database of available internships
Allow your students access to all the courses of your school simply, all by mastering the offers.
- Professors and companies submit internship offers
- Administrators validate or refuse internship offers
- Students have access to all the offers that have been validated
The currently implemented system is based on the ENIB internship system. But simple changes can modify it to suit your institution.
If this is your case, do not hesitate to consult the section "tutorials" which will give you access to a set of guide to make changes directly on the code.
Students internships history
Students internships history
For a student, it is quite easy to know where he is in the internship system to know what he has validated and what remains to be done.This management quickly becomes more complex when it comes to managing 300 students and knowing each one's experience.
The internships manager allow you to setup internships history for every students and list them by criteria.
Campaign for the assignment of tutors
Campaign for the assignment of tutors
The third issue managed in this project is the implementation of campaign.These campaigns are intended to simplify the assignment of internship referrals on the school side.
- Campaign creation by type of internship
- Comment for each tutoring proposal
- Validation by the administrator of internships assignments